
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

World Trade Center

Its biggest failing, I think, is that it's such an old-fashioned style of movie: boring, except when he cut to extracts from the CNN library. If he was trying to tell the true story of genuinely brave uniformed public servants (an honourable goal) he failed them and added nothing insightful about the bigger picture.

As posted to Guardian Unlimited film 17/10/06

Friday, October 13, 2006

The Devil Wears Prada

Hands up anyone who could suspend disbelief long enough to allow the thought that Andy would give up the Chanel boots for the mop-head sous-chef... no, I thought not. Redeeming feature? That one scene with Meryl Streep in the Paris hotel with no makeup. God, that woman can act and we're all the better for it.
As posted to Guardian Unlimited film 13/10/06