
Friday, September 03, 2004


I saw it in the back of economy class at 35,000 feet so some of the scale might have been lost. But what a fun romp it is. Oh, if only Hulk had been half as credible. There's a truly fine piece of acting by the big red fella. And unlike other offerings this year, such as Van Helsing, Hellboy shows what can be done when the director 'borrows' ideas but tweaks each borrowing just enough to make them new. So, Raiders is here and Blade and Escape from New York and Superman and even Dr Zhivago but it's all done from a slightly different, not quite parallel, universe. The plot is silly to the point of daftness but the movie's delightful with its cornball, lovable cynicism and genuine escapist nonsense. Loved it. Go see. Good value.

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