
Monday, January 19, 2009

I have no idea where this is going ...

It is a truth in nature and one of the great mysteries of the natural world that every salmon born in the wild leaves its birth place, covers vast distances of open ocean during its adult life then, when the inexorable impulse of its genetic code dictates and if the fish survives the dangers of a hostile world, each and every salmon makes the journey home to where its life commenced to spawn the next generation. Some species of salmon repeat this cycle up to five times before the fish diminishes then dies. The truly amazing fact of this return is that the salmon returns not simply to the region or area of its birth but to the precise spot in which its life began. No one who has studied the fish knows exactly how or why. As far as we can tell, however, it has never occurred to any salmon to reflect on the mystery of its journeys or ask either of those unanswerable questions.

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