
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

There will be days like this ... but not always

You have to keep moving - sometimes literally, sometimes figuratively.  Sometimes you need to remind yourself that you have to push on.  Some days you'll cover more ground, sometimes less.  

Prepaing for the next move
Two years ago today Spike started packing up our lives in boxes, stacking them from floor to ceiling in the flat in Ashfield.  Within a few days it was almost impossible to open the bedroom door.  And then we moved, first to a room in a hotel on Northbourne Avenue, Canberra (where we stayed longer than either of us thought we would) then here to suburban Gilmore.  We have a house that's bigger than we need, a double garage we don't park cars in but which provides a base for an artist to emerge and gardens front and rear that Spike is making her own, now we've decided it's here we'll stay; at least for a while.

Shit happens.  You do whatever you can, however insignificant it may seem, to be part of the solution; not the problem.  And you move as much as you can - large or small. That's what matters.  You move at least a little.