
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's all the fault of women, apparently

I read Book Three of The Iliad this evening: Paris, Menelaus and Helen. The text lead me to some pages in Wiki concerning the judgement of Paris. I vaguely recalled the phrase but not the story behind it. Reading the summary in Wiki, I had an 'aha' moment ... so that's what led to the Trojan War. It wasn't simply (or at all) that Helen was fickle, favouring Paris on her wedding night to Menelaus. Helen, I now understand - although maybe I knew this but had forgotten - Helen was the bribe offered by Aphrodite to Paris given the task (by Zeus) of choosing "the fairest" at a feast on Mount Olympus. The prize to be awarded by Paris was the golden apple - aka the apple of discord - thrown into the mix by Eris, the goddess of Discord, who had not been invited to the banquet by Zeus. So it's all the fault of women, except if Zeus had been more attentive to the needs of everyone none of the mess would have happened at all.

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