
Wednesday, January 06, 2016

It's like that advert against drugs ... Just Say No!

So today's Guardian has another of its doom-laden speculations about how everyone (except The Guardian) is underestimating the threat posed by Donald Trump.  Unless we waken up, it cautions readers, we shall enter January 2017 surprised to find President Trump staring down at us.

Donald Trump<br>Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a rally in Biloxi, Miss., Saturday, Jan. 2, 2016. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)I disagree. I think his standing has - in part - been inflated by the very media circus that warns us of the fate worse than death to democracy Mr. Trump represents.  Mostly, of course, I think his effervescent rise tells us exactly what a rich megalomaniac can buy in the way of public opinion before real people start to cast real votes.  I'm betting, not just hoping, the Trump bubble bursts by the end of March.

I should know better than join in but the article annoyed me - the fact of it as much as its 'straw man' contents.  I wanted to stamp my feet and shout ... just stop it please!  Instead, despite my better judgement, I allowed Mr. Angry from Gilmore to leave comments 'below the line',  I wrote:
I know it's not in any way fashionable to make the following claim but I believe the underlying evidence of everything I've read indicates that Donald Trump's preposterous and distasteful tilt for the Presidency will be effectively over by March 2016 at the latest. His legacy - if that's not too polite a term to use - will have been to drag all the other Republican candidates to the right because they lacked the moral and political courage to stand up to the charlatan nincompoop posing as a politician. It's a depressing state of affairs but the good news is that not even the Republican Party will follow that megalomaniac over the cliff, never mind the rest of the American people.
Someone who goes by the login name of honey1969 responded;
Trump/Cruz 2016 
You can't stop the Trump Train!
And I wrote back:
The Trump train will be lucky if it makes it out of the station once real people start voting rather than answering pollsters' questions. Good luck to you if you support him but be prepared to watch the Trump Train Wreck.
Someone by the name JohnMappin added:
I know it is hard for the died in the wool left wing intellectuals who have been feeding from the mamaries of their own self created media delusion bubble for best part of a decade to grasp - but Trump is appealing across the spectrum to republicans and democrats alike Americans want to win and they see the standard politicians as losers. Trump is their one shot and like Eminem they are going to take it..
And I wrote back:
I believe that American voters - Republican and Democrat - see through that charlatan and when it comes to making real choices in Caucuses and Primaries they will vote for other candidates to flush Donald Trump down the toilet of political history. If he's the Eminem of 21st Century politics my name is Beyonce.
"Died in the wool"?  I resisted the temptation to be a pedant.

Now Douglas, have you got all that off your chest?  Good.  Then please Douglas, just stop it!