
Sunday, February 21, 2016

The darkest hour is just before dawn ... in politics as much as anywhere else

Image result for jeb bush
Was this man's heart ever truly in it?
Mr. Bush goes home but the money lined up behind him stays in the game. Mr. Rubio floats higher. Mr. Cruz sinks a little and will be entirely sunk soon enough. Mr. Carson may hang around for a while, although not even he is sure why. Mr. Kasich will battle on in delusional self-belief until the money runs out.

And when it boils down to GOP make your mind up time it will choose Mr. Rubio over Mr. Trump because America is not insane.

Mr. Trump, however, does not know how to lose even though he has experienced it already in this nomination round. His megalomaniac tendency will refuse to accept the decision of the Party he claims he wants to lead. Mr. Trump will throw a very expensive, billionaire's hissy fit and seek to stand for the Presidency anyway because Mr. Trump truly does believe that if you have enough money you ought to be able to buy anything you want and can afford. Even a country.

Towards the end of March it should all be a lot uglier than it looks now.

Whatever the outcome of the GOP three-ring circus, please America, Vote Democrat.

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