We rose late then ate a lovely breakfast lazily on a morning that had hinted at sunshine but gave us, in the end, gray skies, rain from time to time and the perfect excuse to go nowhere. Spike needed the rest so the sofa, a couple of books, tea, chocolate and wine did the trick. I've no idea where my Saturday disappeared to: reading The Guardian, Vanity Fair, The Sydney Morning Herald (a very short read) on line; listening to the excellent Mark Kermode / Simon Mayo movie review slot from BBC Radio Five; trying to write but not succeeding (forgetting Halimah's sound advice to ditch the ego and just write). Such days come along every now and then. I have no complaints. The world outside can wait. There will be another day along tomorrow.
It's odd how bits of your life weave themselves back and forwards through time. Pentangle's Basket Of Light (owned by Spike) played on the CD player at some point of the day. I sang along with Jacqui McShee to the tune that became the theme music to the BBC television series Take Three Girls. Light Flight, as the tune is called, was a hit single in the UK in 1970. That must mean I've been singining along to it, of and on for 40 years. My older brother, who bought albums ahead of the wave, loved Pentangle. Whatever he bought I heard and it's his musical interests that helped shape my tastes. For that much, at least, I am in his debt.
And Danny Thompson on double bass was, of course, John Martyn's great collaborator.
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