
Monday, June 18, 2012

And today's number is ...

92 (minus two for being a day late).  Picked up my essay on Faulkner's As I Lay Dying.  Phew.  I couldn't hand it in on the due date because I had no idea what to write.  So I took another day and found something.  I don't quite recall how I stumbled on this but I did and my tutor liked it:

No words can prepare the self for oblivion; an observation Addie makes with reference to Anse by means of Faulkner’s almost poetic allusion to entropy within the Second Law of Thermodynamics: 
I would think about his name until after a while I could see the word as a shape, a vessel, and I would watch him liquify and flow into it like cold molasses flowing out of the darkness into the vessel, until the jar stood full and motionless: a significant shape profoundly without life like an empty door frame; and then I would find that I had forgotten the name of the jar. (p.99)  

 Sometimes you get lucky.